The bride bouquet is a hand tied style with a mixture of pink roses, peach roses, off white roses, ammi majus and dusty Miller with white laces wrapped around the stem.
The girls flower bouquet were made from a mixture of off white avalanche roses and smilax leaves.
We also made corsages for the couple's father, the page boy and hand wrists for moms.
The ceremony was held on the existing gazebo facing the beautiful ocean. We hanged chiffon drapes on the sides with trailing leaves garlands accented a bit with flowers.
Seven round tables were decorated with several sets of centerpieces that consisted of three cylindrical clear glass vases of varied height with mixtures of peach roses, pink roses, off white avalanche roses, green hydrangeas, tuberoses and hanging green amaranthus together with nine varied clear glasses with floating candles inside. White tiffany chairs, chandeliers and floating candles on the pool complemented the whole dinner ambience.